So I must say over all in the big picture time is just FLYING by. As I posted before from onset in June, hospital in July and knowing about surgery in Oct we have had a little time to digest things. I guess sometimes I feel numb or matter of fact about the situation, maybe to protect myself from crumbling into a ball in the corner never to return. In my humanness I have been telling myself and others that I'm fine, that yes this sucks, but it is just something we are having to do. The truth? I am not fine. I am not ok. It is not just another day. We are 8 weeks out from surgery. Count that. EIGHT WEEKS. Do you realize how that is going to fly by? I mean we are only three weeks until Christmas Day, then one week to recoup from the chaos, and if you're like me I mentally take advantage of the week of New Year's to 'check out'. So after all of that it will give us three weeks to get all of our things in order for surgery. Heck until just this moment I forgot about our dogs...note to self...make sure someone takes care of the dogs while gone... How do you pack for 15 days in the hospital? I mean yeah I will probably be able to find a spot to wash clothes at least once or twice but that is still a lot of stuff to pack for that amount of time. Although my Christmas list is yoga pants, long sleeve t's, socks/slippers and pj's. It also amazes me how much George and I have brainstormed on how to work meals so we don't go broke eating in the cafeteris. One plus is with him only working 15 minutes from the hospital he is going to bring us fresh fruit and veggies daily from the awesome farmers market they have on campus. Ok enough rambling on that here's the REAL reason for this post...
Two days from now we are spending the day at USCF in San Franisco. We are to be there at 8am where Raegan is going to meet a Neurophyscologist for 6 hours of testing, by herself. I am yet to figure out HOW they are going to keep her occupied for 6 hours BUT since she is the DR. I am sure she knows what she is doing ;) The purpose of this testing is we are wanting to get a SOLID foundation of where Raegan is in her learning, development, speech, motor skills, cognitive learning. As you can imagine brain surgery IS a big deal and we need a good baseline to test against after surgery to see where she could possible have shortcomings and need additonal OT afterwards OR where she excels after surgery with the damaged tissue gone. We prefer the latter!!! :)
After her testing we will then meet with Dr. Auguste, her surgeon. Now this is the real reason for my anxiety. I feel like I have researched, read, talked, and listened to people until I just couldn't anymore but no matter what I have THOUGHT was going to happen this kind man will put it in concrete. We are going to hear IN DETAIL what he sees and how he is going to fix it AND his projected outcome. His projected outcome... I think that is where were are hung up. There is no black and white or gaurentees. We have watched videos of Dr. Auguste and from those he appears to be a very dedicated and gentle man. I have read articles he has written and have sighed with relief but we are going to get to hear and meet this man for ourselveds for the biggest event of our lifetimes. We are putting faith in this man to do brain surgery on our daughter. Well, that is not entirely true. We are trusting God. God has given this man the knowledge, skill and dedication. We are trusing that God will be in every moment of this as He has been up until now.
Please join us over this next couple of days as we go into what seems to be our next 'hurdle', if you will, taking us one step farther on this journey. We love you all and as always BLESSINGS!