Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Life is normal...?

So here we wait and wait and wait...we have been told that Dr. Sullivan will be presenting Raegan's case to the surgery board. We thought it would be this week BUT they have decided that we need one more test to try to get as much information for this crazy puzzle. So we will have a PET scan with an EEG on October 10th. Time is just going to tick, tick, away and not fast enough for us. It really is a double edge sword because you just want all of these tests and results NOW but if we had them now then that would also put us possibly closer to the thought of surgery. However it is really difficult to see Raegan having seizures everyday. We usually see two a day but lately have seen as many as four. Sometimes we get lucky and she bounces back right away and other times she is wiped out for a couple of hours. A mom had asked a question "How do your other children hand the epilepsy"? I at the time didn't respond because Carley I thought was just too little but she proved us wrong shortly after. As Raegan had an episode Carley patted her leg and said 'It's ok Raegan, it's ok" (bring out the kleenex) this particular time Raegan was wiped out and cried to go lay in mommy's bed. I obliged but what followed more than melted my heart. Once I had Raegan tucked in Carley crawled in too even though she had only been awake less than two hours. There she laid still as a mouse for 45 minutes with her sister...

On a happier note we have gotten to spend some time together as a family. A trip to the circus proved to be a lot of fun. Sno Cones, cotton candy, the animals! I also slipped away with the girls to Lake Tahoe. Even though we endured car sickness with Raegan that could have proved to put a damper on things we just rolled with it. We had so much fun with Aunt Shannie! Tonight Raegan decided that she was going to go on a roll down the driveway, she squealed in delight! 

As always be blessed dear friends! Until next time...

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