Filling in some blanks
October 2010 to March 2011
During this time we have lots of ups and downs. One hard one is the quarintine. Due to the ACTH we can not go out in public. The steroid completly wiped out her immune system. Trips to Dr. Asaikar included first appointments of the day, sitting the parking lot calling in to let them know we were there, and entering through the back door to minimize contact. A few visitors were allowed at home but be prepared to scrub down before touching her. During this time was when we found out the intial 'damage" done due to the seizures. Although by then she was 20 months she tested at 10 months and 11 months for expressive and receptive language. So speech therapy it was, once a week. The BEST date in all of this time frame though was March 18th. Not only because it was daddy's birthday but because this was the FIRST day since August 6, 2010 that she did not have to take seizure medicine. Happy Birthday, Daddy!!!
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